Friday, April 10, 2009

beware syg..

today i was in the mba recreation room and there were 5 girls discussing their ABR (applied business research)with their supervisor who was a man. Dr.. ** forgot his name

they discussed for 2 hours and i was there all the while

u know what happened at the end, he pushed them so much that 2 of the girsl started crying

i felt bad

he was saying, i'm gonna fail all of u

oh God...

u study study study and at the end fail, it'll be so fun . he.he. (gelak nk nanges)

i dunno details.

now i start to be closed to my keyboard

write my research proposal

after seeing that



"We should stop making our lives complicated. Life is short. break the rules.forgive quickly.kiss passionately, love truly.laugh constantly and never stop matter how strange life is..Life is not always the party we expected to be but as long as we are here, we should smile and be grateful. " =) xyl..

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